Tattoo machines contain a single needle
A tattoo machine contains multiple needles based upon the desired effect and intended purpose of your artwork. A magnum can have 5 to 17 needles. A small round shader can one to 5 and a large can have 7 to 21. Tights will have 7 to 9 needles for intricate lines and flats will have 7 to 11.
Only one needle is needed
A cluster of odd numbered needles are actually used in making tattoos. It usually comes in 3, 5, 7 or more
Tattoo needles are used again
Each time a needle is used it is placed into a secure hazardous waste bin and collected by a medical waste company for incineration. The needles are single use needles and would never be used again.
These needles will also be sealed in a package to ensure that they are sanitized and have not been used on another individual.
As we are regulated under our special treatment license a surprise inspection can happen at any moment. Evidence must be provided as to how much waste is removed off site and how often. You have a duty of care document with your medical waste company that you must keep on site.
Each year you have to prove you have sufficient evidence to renew your license.
Health and safety are of the utmost importance for any reputable tattoo studio.
Tattoos are unsafe and unsanitary
People may think they will get an infection if they get a tattoo.
If you do get an infection, it is likely that the open wound may have been in contact with something as common as pet hair for example whilst it was healing. It may have been scratched by accident or brushed it against something without realising.
Tattoo artists are professionals who know how to properly sterilize their equipment, and they do their best to prevent any contamination. Any sign of infection will be easily noticed by a good tattoo artist.