Skeleton disco tattoo

Tattoo Pain and Removal Misconceptions

Getting a tattoo is rarely as painful as people think. Be clear on what to expect and don’t let the fear of pain put you off.

Tattoos are permanent

Tattoos can be permanent if you want them to be. 

You may have been warned about not getting a tattoo as it is a permanent mark on your body.  However, if you no longer feel a tattoo represents you well or have just changed your mind it is possible to have it removed thanks to Laser Tattoo removal. Some clients have a few sessions of laser to fade their existing tattoo so they can start a new piece over the same area instead.

Tattoos are painful

Getting a tattoo involves some level of pain and discomfort. However, it is important to remember pain varies from person to person.

Some people liken the application process to scratching a sunburn or like a sharp continuous scratch. Your experience may be very different from the next persons. 

There are some places that certainly don’t feel good (for example, the side, stomach, ribs) but even those tattoo locations are very tolerable for tattoo sessions that are shorter in duration.

It is always important to follow aftercare guidance strictly this will make the healing process painless. 

If you get a tattoo whilst under the influence of alcohol it will hurt less

Plenty of people think that having a few drinks before their appointment will make the pain more bearable. However, alcohol actually causes the opposite reaction. You should not even drink the night before getting a tattoo done.

Alcohol thins out the blood, it causes a person to bleed more during the appointment. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, which makes a tattoo more painful.

This is the same case for painkillers, especially ibuprofen, because this thins the blood. This means a person will bleed much more during their appointment, which can me it harder for a tattoo artist to work and bleeding more may run the risk of getting an infection.

The process is daunting and scary

Tattoo studios are often depicted in films as being an underground dark basement strictly for bikers and tough people. This is not the case with most studios out there.

It is big decision to trust someone to put permanent ink on your skin, some nerves are normal and to be expected. However, the process should not feel scary or daunting at all.

Tattoo studios should be welcoming and safe spaces where the focus is on the artistry and ensuring the client is confident and comfortable throughout the process.

Tattoos are for tough people only

Stereotyping was prevalent at the time when tattoo studios were still unregulated. Numerous sailors got piercings and tattoos with the belief that it can keep evil spirits away, or even bring about good luck. Nowadays, tattoos are obtained mostly because of personal choice and it is a form of personal expression via art.

Coloured inks hurt more than black inks

After an artist completes any black outlining, they will then apply coloured ink if this is what you asked for. The reality is that your skin has already experienced poking many times before they apply the coloured ink. Coloured ink does not hurt more than black. It may feel more painful because your adrenaline and other pain-relieving hormones will generally fade throughout a tattoo sitting.

When white ink is used this is usually applied during the final stages of the tattoo, your skin may be more sensitive at this point so it is important to remember that the colour of ink isn’t causing more pain it’s just because your skin is more sensitised.

Multi-coloured tattoos cannot be removed

With developments in laser surgery removal, the removal of tattoos has become easier and more available. Removing multi-coloured tattoos is now possible. If you have a tattoo that you are wanting to get removed, please consult with a laser tattoo removal Technician.

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